Our story
Find out who’s behind Caravel and what’s our reason to be.
Use Design, since 2002
The founders and makers of Caravel are also UX design pioneers behind the Parisian agency Use Design.
Up to Guide, an in-house tool
It was in 2010 when we realized that traditionnal project deliverables were multiplying, and managing dozens of PDF files a day wasn’t the best way to go. Neither for our designers who worked hard to present their work, nor for our clients.
UX was not everyone’s language. Clients needed to see what they paid for. And we needed a better way to show the principles of what we were delivering. That’s how Up to Guide was born; an in-house tool for UX project deliverables.
Caravel 1.0
Our clients were happy. Deliverables weren’t static document anymore. UX was the fruit of collaboration. And all project guidelines were the result of co-creation.
This is when we decided to put forward our shared vision of UX and empower other teams to approach UX the same way
Caravel 2.0 and UX project Management
Collaborating deliverables were a great thing but collaborating with clients and stakeholders demands a lot of time and energy. People shared our problem.
So Caravel needed to do more.
To pursue our vision of a better UX for all we had to understand UX project management.
Today, the era of UX
It’s time to make everyone understand the value of UX.
It’s time to stop “drawing screens” and make a difference.
It’s time to get the respect we deserve.
It’s not easy. But it’s about time.